Excellence Matters Training Resources Mentoring Early Childhood Education Melbourne

Active Supervision
​ In-House Workshop

Early Childhood Supervision Workshop

Refresh your team's skills to supervise adequately & actively

This workshop is one of our most popular and for good reason.  Supervising children takes practice, requires vigilance and it's easy to become complacent. During this workshop we revisit the basics of supervision, look at the role of the environment and explore how children's agency can be promoted whilst supervising.

"At all times, reasonable precautions and adequate supervision ensure children are protected from harm and hazard."  NQS 2.1.1


This workshop is for your service if...

  • Your team needs additional support from an experienced early childhood professional to actively and adequately supervise.
  • You've had incidents (or nearly had incidents) at your service that could have been avoided.
  • You have educators who stand round talking to each other instead of supervising. 
  • Support is required for educators to balance supervision and interacting with the children.
  • You are concerned that your educators are inexperienced or have become complacent when it comes to supervision.
  • There are an unexpected number of incidents or incidents occurred where no-one saw what happened.
  • You want to provide this workshop as part of regular professional development to further equip your team of educators to build relationships with children that are based on positive and respectful daily interactions.

Workshop Content

Prior to booking, we will discuss any special requirements and the reasons why you want to hold this workshop in order to customise this professional development for your service. Typically this workshop covers the following topics:

  • NQF requirements
  • Duty of care for educators
  • Potential consequences of inadequate supervision
  • Back to basics supervision
  • The design of the environment in relation to supervision
  • Communication between educators
  • Balancing interaction/engagement with children and supervision
  • Positioning
  • Ratios
  • Crunch times for supervision
  • Children's agency
  • Reflection on actual incidents and examples

What you can expect


We come to your service anywhere in metropolitan Melbourne and many parts of regional Victoria too.


The usual length of this workshop is

2 to 2.5 hours depending on the

needs of your service.


Workshops can be held during the day, at night or on the weekend when your team is available.


This workshop is interactive and includes activities. Participants will get involved to engage different learning styles.


The facilitator will allow time for questions and answers so that the workshop is relevant to your service.


Participants will be provided with the slide presentation for future reference & links to further sources of information.

NQS/EYLF Mapping

This workshop maps to NQS Quality Areas 1,5,6 and EYLF Outcome 1&3, Principle 1,2&3 & multiple Practices.


All our facilitators are highly experienced early childhood professionals (many still working in services).

Further Support

One on one coaching and mentoring is available to support this workshop along with online workshops (additional cost).

Workshop Outcomes

The following success measures are typical:

  • Increased and/or refreshed understanding of current supervision requirements
  • Improved supervision skills in educators allowing them to supervise and engage with children effectively
  • Improved ongoing awareness or ratios and numbers of children
  • Improved communication between educators in relation to supervision
  • Improved ability for educators to engage with peers about matters affecting supervision
  • Decreased risk of accidents and incidents occurring

Contact us now about an ACTIVE SUPERVISION in-house workshop at your service

We will provide a quote and confirm that this workshop meets the needs of your service and your team. 


Here are answers to some frequently asked questions by services like yours:

How much is the workshop?

Can the workshop be customised

How soon can you run the workshop?

Is there any minimum or maximum numbers?

Enquire about this workshop

Contact us by clicking the link below.  We will be in touch within 24-48 hours to answer any questions, confirm your requirements and provide a no obligation quote

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