
Let’s Talk About Gossip in Early Childhood Services


Aug 16
Excellence Matters Early Childhood Professional Development Gossip

Let's face it, gossip in early childhood centres does happen and sometimes it can even have a negative impact on staff, children and families. 

At times we probably have all been guilty of gossip. However, it can become a habit and ingrained in the culture to the point where it’s difficult to know how things can be turned around. 

There is good news for leaders though who are prepared to take a stand and bring about positive change for their environment and team culture.

Typically, you'll hear people say it's normal for there to be gossip when a lot of women work together but you don't have to accept that and you can turn your workplace into a zero tolerance for gossip service or a gossip-free zone.

Defining gossip

Gossip is talking about someone (whether you say their name or not) when they’re not there and it is not positive for that person.

It would be seen as negative, critical or embarrassing by that person and it’s usually private information that wouldn’t otherwise be discussed publicly. 

Often gossip is false news, it's not true, is only partly true or it's embellished or twisted, like a Chinese whisper.

Gossip can take place in person, by email, by text or on social media. It might happen in or out of working hours.

Can some gossip be good?

No, although it may be “fun” or disguised as passing on information at the time, it doesn’t benefit anyone. There's always negativity surrounding gossip.

If it’s something positive or neutral, then it’s news or conversation and not gossip.

Excellence Matters Early Childhood Education Professional Development Team Gossip

What’s the difference between gossip, news and casual conversation or chit-chat?

Gossip has a negative impact whereas casual conversation or chit-chat doesn’t.

For example, if you’re talking about an upcoming birthday party or your frustration with the traffic on the way to work, these things usually have a positive or neutral impact.

Use the gossip test below if you’re not sure.

Excellence Matters Early Childhood Professional Development Gossip Test

Use the Gossip Test to check your conversations

Gossip Test

To determine if something is gossip, ask yourself these questions:

  • In this conversation am I being a good role model for the children?

  • Would I say this if the person I’m talking about was here?

  • Would this be negative or embarrassing for the person I’m talking about?

  • Is this going to bring the team together or cause problems in the team?

  • Is this sort of conversation that a professional person would have?

  • Is this conversation at some else’s expense? Is it making light of someone else’s misfortune?

  • Is it hurtful?

  • Is there a negative vibe or feeling?

  • Will this help to make my service a happy and positive place to work or be at?

  • Is what I’m saying true and factual? Is this false news?

  • What is my intention or purpose in talking about this? What outcome am I seeking?

  • How would your Director or another leader, your mother or a respected colleague or friend react if they heard this conversation?

  • Is there a valid reason why your conversation needs to be whispered, in another language, not seen by others or stopped when the person being talked about walks by?

  • Do I have any doubt about whether this conversation is positive and why?

Why do people gossip?

Sadly, gossip can make people feel powerful (real or imagined power) or knowledgeable or better about themselves in the moment.

They have something to share that others don’t know and can bring them attention.

Sometimes gossip stems out of thoughtlessness and not considering its impact on others.

At other times, gossip can become a negative habit.

People can also gossip when they lack the skills, confidence or desire to challenge or directly address someone else in a professional manner to address an issue or resolve a conflict.

Excellence Matters Early Childhood Professional Development Listen to Gossip

Don't be part of the gossip cycle

Is it ok to just listen to gossip?

No, gossip only exists if someone else listens to it.

Shut the gossip down by changing the subject or ending the conversation or being direct.

By listening to gossip, you are part of the gossip cycle, encouraging it, permitting it and helping it to continue.

Remember this saying too:

Anyone who will gossip to you, will gossip about you (Source unknown)

Here are some gossip-blockers to try:

  • I need to concentrate on the children (or xxx) right now
  • I’m trying to not to gossip, let’s talk about xxx instead
  • I’m not comfortable with this conversation
  • Sounds like you should talk to xxx directly. I know I’d want you to if that was me.
  • I’d love to talk but I’m really busy right now
  • I’d rather chat to you about something else. How was your weekend or xxxx?

What to do if you’re the victim of gossip

Depending on the situation, how you are being impacted, there are some options to choose from: 

  1. Confront the gossiper directly 
  2. Say something to your team publicly about the gossip and its impact on you without naming the gossiper/s.
  3. Ignore it
  4. Speak to your manager 

Be accountable to yourself to be professional

How to not be a gossiper

  1. Commit to not gossiping, hold yourself accountable for not being a gossip
  2. If you feel like you’ve developed a habit of gossiping, talk to someone you respect about it and develop new habits for communicating positively
  3. If someone tells you something private or in confidence, do not pass this information onto others
  4. Don’t listen to gossip
  5. Show respect for your own and your co-worker’s personal boundaries and private information
  6. Keep yourself busy with your work
  7. If you do hear something that’s “juicy” or interesting but it’s gossip (use the gossip test), don’t pass it on
  8. Only talk about someone else if you are complimenting them or talking about them in relation to a valid work matter
  9. Don’t talk about your co-workers or your service in a negative manner even when you’re not at work
  10. If another team member makes a mistake, does something incorrectly, breaks a policy or is unethical, speak to them directly and/or speak to your manager.
  11. Mind your own business
  12. If you are near some people that are gossiping, move away

How does gossip affect a service?

Gossip can:

  • Contribute to a negative culture or feel and decrease people’s motivation

  • Take the focus away from the children and their families

  • Cause conflict

  • Hurt individuals or groups of people personally and professionally

  • Mean that you are not meeting the NQS in relation to professionalism and being collaborative, respectful and ethical.

  • Cause strained relationships and tensions in a team

  • Reduce trust

  • Damages teamwork making it difficult for people to work together

  • Creates problems for directors and other leaders as staff run to them more often instead of collaborating with each other

  • Turn into bullying

  • Cause good employees to leave the service because of the negative environment

  • Set a negative example for children and families

  • Can impact on the effectiveness of your service in provide quality education and care

  • Affect people’s reputations (both for the gossiper and the person being spoken about)

  • Mean that children are missing out on the opportunity to see trusted adults ie educators and other staff modelling professionalism, resolving conflict, working through differences and being respectful and supportive of each other.

Excellence Matters Early Childhood Professional Development Positive Colleagues

Intentionally work on bringing about real change

How to stop gossip in your team

  1. Be a good example and do not gossip yourself.
  2. Let your team know that gossip isn’t an acceptable part of the culture at your service, that this service is a gossip-free zone and/or that you have zero tolerance for gossip.
  3. If you’ve allowed gossip to get out of control, call a team meeting and talk about this openly. Draw a line in the sand and be clear about your expectations going forward.
  4. Keep your team informed regularly and provide accurate, transparent information so that they don’t need to guess or gossip about what might be happening in your service.
  5. Don’t ignore gossip. If you are receiving complaints about gossip or observe someone gossiping, say something to let the gossiper know that you are aware of it, that it is damaging and that it needs to stop. Take disciplinary action, as appropriate, if the gossip continues.
  6. Engage your team in a reflective discussion about gossip and professionalism in a team meeting. Discuss the information in this article together.
  7. Strengthen teamwork and your service’s culture with team building activities and targeted professional development about teamwork, communication and conflict resolution.
  8. Consider updating employment manuals, policies, position descriptions and similar clearly stating that gossip isn’t accepted of your service
  9. Develop a statement about your approach to gossip with your team and display it. You could consider having people sign it as part of their commitment to not participating in gossip.
  10. Encourage the sharing of positive stories about others, events and the service.
  11. Be persistent, vigilant and consistent in your efforts to end gossip.

Further professional development

Although it may take time and determination to end the cycle of gossip, it is possible.

Set a realistic plan, be proactive in addressing gossip, obtain buy-in from your team and seek help when you need it.

You can build or restore professionalism and collaborative teamwork and skills can be developed by everyone at your service to contribute to this. 

Talk to your team and reflect together about how gossip and it's impact. What would people like to improve? What do they want to learn? What skills do they need to stop gossip and communicate effectively? What would support them - an in-house workshop, a discussion at a staff meeting, a visual reminder about gossip or just some information like this blog?

Here are some resources that may assist:

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