So you've heard the term Shared Leadership or read about it in some ACECQA publications.
Shared leadership is known by a number of names and in this article we'll be answering some FAQs for those who want to know more about the basics of this leadership approach.
Shared leadership is known by a number of names including distributed leadership, democratic leadership, consultative leadership, participative leadership, facilitative leadership and inclusive leadership. These other names for shared leadership help us to understand the nature of shared leadership.
Shared leadership is a leadership strategy where the Director or Centre/Service Manager or head manager (we will use the term Manager for this article) shares the leadership with other people in their team, drawing upon their strengths and expertise.
The other team members take on some leadership roles and tasks that may have traditionally been included in the role of the Manager. It means that the Manager is not the only one responsible for best practice but this responsibility is shared between the team.
ACECQA Information Sheet: Quality Area 7
Although these will be different for each service, here are some examples for consideration: