
Using the Australian 24 Hour Movement Guidelines to Promote Physical Activity and Health

NQS Quality Area 2

Jun 08
Excellence Matters Early Childhood Professional Development Physical Activity

The Australian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for the Early Years (Birth to 5 Years) were introduced in late 2017. These are the first national guidelines from the Australian Government containing recommendations for a healthy balance of physical activity, high-quality sedentary behaviour and sufficient sleep.


The guidelines are designed to promote healthy growth and development and they state that “following these Guidelines through the early years is associated with better growth, cardiorespiratory and musculoskeletal fitness, cognitive development, psychosocial health/emotional regulation, motor development, body composition, quality of life/well-being, as well as reduced injuries”.

National Quality Standard

In addressing Quality Area 2 of the National Quality Standard, in particular the following Standard and Elements, these guidelines are a helpful resource for services:


Collaborating with Families

These guidelines were based on a similar model in Canada and address the concept of activity occurring across a 24 hour period and that each component (physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep) affects health and are interconnected.

As these guidelines span the whole 24 hour period, they provide a shared understanding and base for early childhood education and care services and families to work together with each child to ensure adequate sleep and physical activity is achieved. This collaborative approach will provide a solid basis for promoting routines and habits for a healthy and active life.

Excellence Matters Early Childhood Education and Care Professional Development Physical Activity Family

How can you support families to be physically active together?


Below are some resources you can use at your service with your team to ensure that all educators are aware of the current guidelines for physical activity, sedentary behaviour and rest. Additionally, this information may inform your policies and practices, can be shared with families, incorporated in your program and be included in conversations and activities with children about healthy living:

Department of Health Australia's Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines

Australian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines - The Early Years Brochure

Australian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines - The Early Years Fact Sheet

ACECQA’s Quest for Knowledge Educational Game - 24 Hours Movement Guidelines Extension Pack - contains discussion points, true or false, trivia and multiple choice questions, scenarios and activities.

Australian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines - FAQs  - it would be easily to overlook this section on the Department of Health however it contains answers to some great questions such as:

  • How can parents and carers encourage children to be more active?
  • Does the recommended 3 hours (180 minutes per day) of physical activity for toddlers and pre-schoolers need to be of a particular intensity?
  • Why is it recommended that children under 2 years should not watch any TV (i.e. no screen-time for under 2 year olds)?
  • What are some alternatives to TV when children need some “down-time”?
Excellence Matters Early Childhood Education and Care Professional Development Children Running

Ongoing Professional Development about Promoting Activity for Children

Share the information with your team of educators and discuss it with them. Look for other opportunities for ongoing professional discussions around movement levels for yourselves and the children and families you work with. 

Let us know in the comments if you found this blog useful. What actions do you plan to take as a result of reading it? Has it encouraged you to find more ways to work with your team to be more active? Or to share the information with the families connected to your service?

And for further professional development training, see the details of our Active Bodies, Active Minds workshop that can be run at your service at a time that suits you. 

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